PARASSITISMO "Un Destino Perfido" C-34

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Parassitismo from Genova come back with a vengeance delivering an impressive second effort, after a much praised self-titled debut cassette on their home imprint, Diazepam (also reissued on CD by AAD).

Eerie, cold and murky synth-driven PE with a piercing dosage of feedback loops and junk / glass wreckage. "Un destino perfido" [trad. "A wicked fate"] has been recorded during a rather black summertime in the band's rehearsal room, located in the glorious Staglieno cemetery; apparently some voices and noises (E.g. chain noises) that you can hear in this cassette weren't originally supposed to be there, nor have any logical explanation, but we all welcomed them.

FFO: Mörder Machine, Intrinsic Action, The Sodality.

All copies come with a free sticker.